MARS is designed to be able to be used with RPG beginners and to be Setting-agnostic, which means it can be used in corporate environments to gamify the learning and simulation of People and Process-based topics.
To do this well as a GM, there are a few considerations to discuss. It’s most likely you will be running the game as a One-shot, which means your ‘Session 0’ / Player Onboarding will need to be in-flight, on the day, and super-efficient. Here are some considerations and suggestions for how to achieve that.

The GM should set the scene around why a game is being used in the workplace for team building and learning. We recommend introducing the workshop along these lines:
We are here today to build connections and culture as a team which research shows boosts team performance and innovation. But to get those results, it’s not enough to just talk about how we want to work together, we must experience it first-hand.
This is where we will call upon the power of story and simulation. In other words, by playing a game, we can leave some of the complexities of the work environment behind and focus on experiencing and practising high-performing cultural traits we can take back to the workplace afterwards.
The GM must do their best to support a psychologically safe environment for play.
We encourage using this safety mechanism at a minimum:
Today we set our intentions to be creative, fun and a little silly. But if at any time you’re not comfortable with something in a scene or something being role-played, touch or hold up the ‘X Card’ and we will skip forward no questions asked.
The GM should set the tone for the session, both explicitly and implicitly by example. Settings should be chosen and/or tailored where if physical conflict is expected then the ‘enemies’ are not human or animal, nor should they be too scary or gory. You may wish to avoid Conflict entirely in your game or replace physical violence with euphemistic attacks that deal ‘Stress’ against the enemy’s Resilience. Consider explicitly referencing the tone along these lines:
Be aware that although we may go into battle today, I expect you to keep your actions PG-rated. So nothing too explicit, dark or intense, agreed?
Movie Ratings
Movie-Ratings can be a good way to communicate the tone and level of graphic or explicit content we agree to stick to for the game or session. As a guide:
G: Sweet as pie. Stress is applied mildly and euphemistically. i.e. Let’s not be explicit about the physical, emotional or other Stress we may be applying.
PG: Blunt improvised weapons only (aim for humorous tone for violence), limited physical violence, non-explicit, killing is rare. Very limited flirting and no sexual innuendo.
M: Weapons and physical violence are acceptable, but no blood, gore, no explicit death. Flirting and sexual innuendo are ok. Death mechanics are ok.
R: All bets are off.
As such, Safe For Work Settings would generally be in the G-PG range. Some MARS Modules and Modes (such as the Death-related ones) are not generally considered Safe For Work. In those cases the suggested Movie Ratings will be called out on the Module/Mode itself (i.e. as M, R or just plain NSFW).
The GM needs to be aware that not everyone is comfortable and confident playing games, roleplaying, improvising on the spot, or even speaking in front of a room of people. As a GM, look for ways to include those who are hanging back, make them feel comfortable and that it’s ok to take it slow and ask questions. Give them opportunities to speak. Utilise small group work so they can have the chance to speak without having to be vulnerable in front of the whole room.
Not everyone will pick up all the rules quickly, or be familiar with certain Settings for example ‘High Fantasy’. Consider using Settings that are more neutral, e.g. an Office Building.
It is recommended you introduce the rules sections one at a time, and give the Players an opportunity to practise each new mechanic before introducing more rules.
Rules in MARS are generally specified in a sensible order to be introduced one at a time.
Our Goal
Assure your Players that there’s no way to do this wrong, and the idea is to tell a cool story together and most of all have fun!